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tv   9 News Now at 6pm  CBS  October 31, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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year. why won't you talk to me? ironically, on his own campaign website, flannery laments how too often in pom ticks, campaigns focus on empty slogans and negative attacks. we paid a visit to flannery's centreville office. after a dozen people in our newsroom received unsolicited texts about planned parenthood and abortions. same sex marriage, and medicare. some were offensive. >> 1920 fdr happily passed around rumors that warren g. harding was partially black, back then calf that was a scandal. >> reporter: they're nothing new in american campaigns but modern technology has a new era of attacks under the veil of an anymorety. >> i'm pretty certain that he'll be a rogue operation, it is not a national effort to smear obama. >> reporter: when weapon went to the main doors of cc advertising which bills itself
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a research and data acquisition firm, the door was locked and the employee who saw us grabbed her computer and raced away. no comment from the obama campaign. the romney camp told us we have nothing to do with these texts. by the way, flannery is on the board of directors at the fairfax county chamber of commerce. and the chamber's former vice president of government relations. andrea mccarren, 9news now. >> all right, and many of our viewers tell us they've already reported this to the fcc. in fact the fcc rules ban many text messages sent to mobile phones using an autodialer unless you give consent to receive the messages or some sort of emergency. go our website for the link to the fcc. the president spent the day in new jersey surveying sandy's aftermath. he took afears hand -- a firsthand tour of the damage with governor christie. he said the federal government will be helping with clean-up
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efforts. there was speculation that the storm would delay this week's employment report. the last one before the election. but today, the department of labor says it will be out on time. amtrak is slowly restoring service along the northeast corridor tonight. but is still not operating through new york's penn station since the surrounding tunnels are flooded out. our bruce johnson started riding out the storm in rehoboth beach, delaware and is in north carolina and he filed this report -- new jersey and he filed this report. >> reporter: this is bruce johnson in as bury park, new jersey. it's been making a comebook and was doing pretty good according to the people who live here. until sandy arrived with 80, 90- mile-per-hour winds on monday. take a look at the pride and joy of the park, the boardwalk and look at what the storm, this hurricane did to it. it's raped the boards up and it's -- ripped the boards up and it's going to cost millions to repair all of this. as a matter of fact police won't even allow people to walk along the boardwalk because it's too dangerous. >> i can't believe the
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devastation. i've lived here my whole life and never seen anything this bad. i look around and i'm like you get sick to your stomach. >> the water took the dunes and put them on the streets. >> reporter: every one of these small jersey towns has lost power. lots of property damage. take a look what was left of the car dealership after sandy blew through. >> just it's devastating. >> we saw some boats washed up on some people's backyards. up against trees and it's just sad. >> reporter: the losses throughout southern new jersey and the billions of dollars and this clean-up isn't going to take days it's going to take weeks if not longer. here's one place back here that wasn't even touched. the stone pony. you're right, bruce springsteen played there. asbury park his hometown. >> bruce johnson -- >> reporter: before you and, we didn't run into bruce springsteen. right now we're at ocean city another new jersey town here on
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the shore. you can see their boardwalk is damaged also but not as bad as the others we have seen and police here are allowing the people to come inspect the boardwalk and look their beach and look at the damage that sandy has done here in this small town. like all of the over towns along the -- other towns along the shore here, no power, no cell phone service. flooding, flooded basements, we saw a lot of pumps generators triting to get the pat -- trying to get the water out. a lot of people bringing out furniture and clothes and putting them on the curb, these are things that have been destroyed they won't get back. some lives have been changed to some extent here. one other thing because this could be very serious. woman comes up to us and she says you know because there's no power, there's no gas. the gas stations are not open along with a lot of other businesses but you know last night we told you about long lines of people waiting to get gas, stations are not open and she's saying she would appeal to -- we should appeal to
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washington the get some portable generators out here because she's afraid of what will happen in days to come. >> bruce we saw the lines with you last night just lined up forever and people breaking curfew trying to find the gas. you've now been all the way up the jersey coast will. where would you say it was the worst? we know sandy came ashore by atlantic city. where dill you see the worst damage? >> reporter: well, the worst is absolutely places like seaside heights. you know the barrier islands you know here in new jersey. they're the places where sandy came ashore and just brew falters. they've had -- brutal force. they've had fires on the barrier islands, as a matter of fact we were trying to get there today and you can't drive there. the rescue crews not even drive there. they had to park their vehicles and walk across the bridges to get to these barrier islands to try and get with the fires and whatever else they may find there because so many people haven't been able to eyeball the places, they don't know how bad it's going to be. they've only seen it by air. that includes the president and governor. they're getting bodies and
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eyeballs on the ground now because they want the look at the damage firsthand. >> bruce johnson thank you for the update. see you soon. members of fairfax county's elite search and rescue squad also in new jersey tonight. task force 1 shipped out on monday. they're focusing theirn'ts on the towns in the -- their talents in two towns. maryland governor o'malley toured ocean city today but a lot of the concerns in maryland will be about river flabbed -- have been about river flooding and tonight in frederick county warnings about the upper potomac and monocacy rivers are coming down. scott broom is keeping an eye on the floods there, scotty? >> reporter: well, the headline in frederick county tonight is that the flood warning has just expired on the monocacy river. i'm on the banks of the potomac loudoun county on the other side here here in brunswick maryland, you can't even see the river back there. but the potomac, the upper potomac it too is dropping. take a look at some of the pictures these are from point
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of rocks, maryland. where the river crested earlier today. at 18.1 feet. that's 2 feet above flood stage. but as i said it's dropping elsewhere in the county the monocacy river still made for some rather spectacular snapshots. but since those pictures were taken the river has dropped substantially. the warning there expired. meanwhile, here in the town of brunswick, yeah they dodged a bullet on flooding but they just got walloped and i mean walloped with wind damage here. at one point during the storm the whole town was cutoff and lots of trees down. the elementary school was closed today. they're hoping to reopen tomorrow. folks in brunswick here feel like the winds were seen more intense than during the decay kho storm. still cleaning up but the rivers are dropping. reporting live along e potomac in brunswick, maryland, scott broom, 9news now. >> i guess that's the good news, scott, thank you. farther downstream the potomac is expected to crest
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tonight in georgetown around 8:00 p.m. and then in old town alexandria at 10:12 p.m. other big concern tonight is halloween. topper? >> it's going to be okay. a little bit on the cool side that might work out for you actually depending on the type of costume. let's start with temperatures and we have temperatures around 50. 52 downtown and some 40s showing up though. 48 gaithersburg and we're looking at 45 in hagerstown and still 52 though in manassas. here's the deal for the trick- or-treats. earlier you go out the warmer it's going to be obviously. 6:00 about 52. 7:00 about 50. and by 8:00 it will be about 49. we'll say mostly cloudy skies. you'll see a few peeks of the moon and just a slight chance of a sprinkle and all in all after considering what it was like here monday not too bad. back to you. we have been talking about it all week long. dealing with the power outages. it's a pain for anybody who's stuck in that station but coming your way at 7:00 we'll show you how one man is using his car to power his home.
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plus, the latest on the clean- up after superstorm sandy. all at 7:00. >> i hope he's being careful there. >> i do too. >> thank you. still to come in this half hour, diss posing of the debris after sandy. we're going to share one county's plan. >> if sandy left you standing a heap of rubble and you have questions about your insurance coverage, we've got a panel of experts ready right now to take your questions. the number to call (202)895- 5560.
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we are back with help for you in the aftermath of hurricane sandy. i'm over here at the help desk and we know that it can be confusing, we have a great panel here to help you find your way. they're going to be here until 6:30 with answers to your pressing questions, you have you know about 12, 20 minutes or so get them in. just call (202)895-5560. that's (202)895-5560. anita? well, there's also an urgent call lesli from the red cross tonight for flood donations -- blood doe neighs in the wake of the tomorrow. about 300 -- stormment about 300 blood drives were canceled because of sandy. if you want to help keep up the supplies contact the american red cross and give glad. also help make a donation to the red cross without spending a dime. just log on to facebook and like our wusa9 page.
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still ahead searching for a man suspected of planting several pipe bombs in northern virginia.
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the search is on tonight
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for the man police believe set off three pipe bombs in northern virginia and maybe driving around with more. >> two of those attacks happened here in stafford county. the other one in nearby city of fredericksburg, take a look at the man authorities are on the hunt for. this is the guy they say is son- in-law for all of this. this is -- responsible for all of this. this is 25-year-old lawrence alan stewart iii. >> this man is a serious danger and threat to society. and has already attempted to murder two law enforcement officers their families and citizens. >> reporter: the first pipe bomb attack happened about 4:00 a.m. on the 3100 block of normandy avenue in fredericksburg. that used to be the home of a stafford sheriff's deputy. he hadn't lived there in more than a year but the woman there wasn't hurt as a result of the blast. that was the first of the three attacks. shortly after it moves into stafford county where the second attack takes place at home in the kings grant subdivision. it's believed that's where the detective lived. then after that, the third pipe bomb attack, this time at a
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louse in the country ridge -- house in the country ridge subdivision where we believe stewart's ex-girlfriend lived. no one was hurt in any of the attacks. stemming from two cases earlier this year where he was charged for indecent exposure and the second a domestic violence case involving the third victim in the attacks his own ex- girlfriend. ken molestina, 9news now. plenty of scary things will be out for hall mean but -- tonight for halloween but hopefully none of them include you behind the wheel of a car. >> take advantage of the washington regional alcohol program's sober ride service. just call 1-800-200-taxi for a free ride between 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. it covers the cost up to a $30 fare. sandy brought down plenty of trees and branches in the area and montgomery county is already sending out plans to collect your storm debris. if you have pieces that are less than 4.5 feet in length and 4-inches in diameter they will be collected on the
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regular see prickling day. bring the -- recycling day. bring pieces that are too large to -- and we're seeing some amazing less cues taking place as well. -- rescues taking place as well. take a look another these pictures from -- at these piketures from new york's -- pictures from new york's staten island. five adults and one child taken to is safety. that chopper is called helicopters 23 named in honor of the new york city police officers who lost their lives on 9/11. >> amazing. okay we also want the give a special shutout to one of our viewers actually a couple of them helene and steve nichol. they don't have power. there is so critical because steve has als. his respirator is being run by the generator so they are hoping, hoping that power will be on tonight. she wanted to share his special smile and steve didn't know
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this was coming to she surprised him. >> what a great surprise and we're glad they're of watching and we're glad that we could be there to help them and the whole team there at channel 9 wishing them the best. >> hang in there steve. >> let's go. we're looking at a chilly night. not a cold night but a chilly night for the trick-or- treaters. the live look outside. and this is our michael & son weather camera. i think we all recognize that white house, looks very, very nice. 52 right now dew point upper 30s and winds south-southwest at 7. so not going to get supercold tonight. remember the dew points are good indication of how cold it can get at night and also how humid it is. so it's -- you know it's going to be chilly and the pressure continues to rise. at 29.61 inches of mercury. 50 already in rockville. 48 out in gaithersburg and also in vienna and fairfax. but still 50 in burke and springfield. and still 52 in college park. so chilly for trick-or- treaters. temps 46 to about 52. maybe a sprinkle but i think most of the showers stay in the
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mountains, mainly dry morning commute. and the kids will need a jacket again tomorrow morning. as will the big kids too. for tonight, partly to mostly cloudy, breezy cold. maybe a shower. mountain snows continue almost 30 inches in western maryland and parts of west virginia. lows 36 to 42 and winds west southwest at 10 to 15. by morning returning partly sunny breezy and chilly. you'll node a jacket. 30s and 40s and winds now west southwest at 10 to 15. and if you're thinking to yourself, hmm, is that because of sandy? yes, the winds are still because of sandy. plan, breezy -- partly sunny, please and school and showers possible in the afternoon. highs around 55 and winds we remember at 10 to 15. next three days 9 weather alert screen green and green and green. breezy tomorrow and maybe a sprinkle 54. little more sun tomorrow and still a lot of clouds and then more sun on friday. breezy 55. a bit cool on saturday. and 52. next seven days, weekend looks okay. cool on saturday.
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terps in town. low 50s. and then on sunday redskins in town but i think the showers hold off until sunday night. a little milder too on sunday. about 60. a 49 hour weekend, we can all use that. rain and showers on mondays and election day right now some clouds and school and 5 -- cool and 52. >> hopefully it stays dry. you know for every family that was touched by sandy or every family that wasn't touched by sandy. there are a whole bunch of families that were including some members of the redskins' team. >> they are from that area and also played this that area before and they still have friends and family that are up there. they are back here and they got spared pretty well in d.c., but some of the family and friends they weren't so lucky. today the skins talking about what else is on their mind besides football. >> plus, terps' head coach randy edsall speaks for the first time since losing his fourth quarterback of the season. sports is next.
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has the redskins headed back to work today in ashburn some players today had much more on their minds than the sunday's game. the areas hit hard by hurricane sandy. now the players themselves
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pretty much spared a serious damage in this area. but their thought are with those up north. redskins' full back young is from new york, his family still lives in the state. he says physically they got out unscathed. but their home wasn't so lucky. >> tree fell in the house. so you know we got to go through all that stuff. but you know, they -- it was floods and stuff. i mean a lot of people had to evacuate. my dad's garage is pretty much smashed and he's upset about that you know. but they're safe that's all that matters. >> just hearing about it and seeing stuff you know on the internet and stuff it looks pretty bad. just pray for the people up there and hope that you know everything works out for them. maryland terrapins have found themselves in uncharted territory. they've lost all four quarterbacks for the season because of injuries. three of those happens in the span of a week. so for saturday's game, linebacker sean petty who did play qb at eleanor roosevelt high will get the start under center. >> i know he's looking forward to the opportunity to go out
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there and play? he's excited -- and he's excited and we're excited for him and i think hee -- he wants to you know go out and play really, really well so he can just stay as a quarterback. the mds playoff series between dc unite asked the new york red bulls also being affected by sandy because of damage in the area the two game series is being flip-flopped. so game one will be played here at rfk stadium saturday night at 8:00 p.m. instead of the new york. now game two is still on wednesday night but that game will be moved to red bulls stadium in new york. so get your tickets and be weary. finally tonight vote in the game of the week poll. five great high school match- ups for you to choose from, here's a look at your choices -- go to -- games still going on. >> oh they are getting to the playoffs. >> exciting times. >> that's fitter us, the cbs -- it for us, the cbs "evening news" is next. >> and derek is back with our area's only local newscast at
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7:00. >> have a good night. [ captions by: caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838 email: ]
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